Why subscribe?

Because practical & elegant tools make your world better on the day-to-day. Sure I love waxing poetic about pleasure & mysticism, but ultimately I’m here to help you gain accessible tools, real life skills & techniques that actually work, to incorporate into your everyday wellBEing. Support for your journey through this complex thing called life.

Also, I’m not interested in creating “content” to keep you online longer to sell you whimsical (& financially inaccessible) escapist wellness culture products.

NOPE. That ain’t me.

I’m interested in simmering down meditation-based practices into easily digestible bits to reach you where YOU are, on any given day, utilizing easy-to-understand-and-incorporate concepts so you can live your most fulfilled life.

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Subscribe to support

I am part of the network of survivor-led, somatic healing. I believe in humanity’s ability to choose to participate in healing ecosystems that are locally & non-commercially driven, anti-oppressive and harm reductive. By choosing to subscribe to support me as a writer, healer and activist, you are choosing to support someone who also needs the support of their community. I am a working class, neurodiverse, queer, nonbinary, IPV & trauma survivor, and former sex worker. My work is aimed to retrieve inaccessible “self care” from the Americanized (aka commodified) wellness industry to foster sustainable, survival care for under-resourced communities and Mother Earth herself. Offering financial compensation for the labor of survivor-activists is contributing to the ecosystem of community healing & repair.

I also give to community! 3.33% (representative of The Three Jewels) of my Substack subscriptions are donated to NDN Collective, an Indigenous led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power.

So if you’re here reading this, hopefully I’ve made it a no-brainer to subscribe for $5 and invest in this collective network.

Practice in community

I teach in-person & virtual classes and workshops, offer weekly practice sessions, and offer one-on-one and group mentorship. I also lead “STL QUEER SANGHA: You Can Sit With Us,” an inclusive sangha for all LGBTQIA+ folks and allies cultivating a path of Spiritual Solidarity.

Visit www.deannadangermindfulness.com to learn more about my offerings, certification, praxis, mission, vision, values & accountability.

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Subscribe to Rawthentic Spiritual Solidarity With Deanna Sophia Danger

Queer Dharma. Praxis. Spiritual Solidarity.


Spiritual Solidarity 🤝🏴❤️‍🔥 Queer, Certified meditation & Dharma Teacher 🧘🏻☸️🕸️🌌 STL | RVA 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Practice & Praxis👇🏻 https://linktr.ee/DeannaDanger