Liminal Messaging is the broadcast channel for Systems Poet, Deanna Sophia Danger.

Tune in, drop in, liberate out.

Here at Liminal Messaging, you’ll find me connecting the pathways of Rawthentic, Spiritual Solidarity. Which I define as a lifelong pathway, making space to:

  1. Revel in the joy of allowing yourself to be exactly who you are, in all of your beauty, and in all of your imperfections;

  2. Actively choose to lift up the veils of the waking world and peek into the depths of this exquisitely mysterious human experience;

  3. Intentionally engage in a reciprocal & regenerative relationship with the living world: your community, the land, the flora & fauna, the elements, our whole planetary ecosystem.

Liminal Messaging is written by me, Deanna Sophia Danger, embodiment guide, meditation teacher & mentor, Queer Dharma Practitioner, and Systems Change & Healing Justice Facilitator.

My life has meandered along an unusual and circuitous route that continues to root me deeper into the social change ecosystem roles of both CATALYST and WEAVER. I have been a life long dancer, a professional performance artist, a sex worker, I have an educational background in broadcast mass media, I’m queer, nonbinary, neurodiverse & nerdy as hell. And I choose to share here at Substack because I savor the long and often paradoxical route.

I love long form writing, deep metamystical dives, elegant & simple solutions to complex problems, supporting folks as they learn to be more at home in their own skin, and I am of the last generation that remembers what it is like to live smart phone FREE (bless). I think a lot about consciousness, collective liberation, retrieving holistic wellbeing and midwifing the next human era in a way that looks out for our next 7 generations of ancestors.

The writings you’ll find here at Liminal Messaging are shared with the intention of merging artful, creative and thought-provoking narrative with relatable and relevant concepts of our day-to-day experience. Like the mycelium network shifting nutrients around the forest, I aim to connect with and shift the liminal pathways in your own experience to so that you yourself shed what no longer serves, and unfold into a more awakened, present, connective and purposeful life.

Will you step off the edge of the known and trust fall into an existence more worth living???…

Why subscribe?

I am part of the network of survivor-led, somatic healing. I believe in humanity’s ability to choose to participate in healing ecosystems that are locally & non-commercially driven, counter-oppressive and harm reductive. By choosing to subscribe and support me as a writer, healer and systems change facilitator, you are choosing to support someone who also needs the support of their community. As a proletariat (working class) IPV & trauma survivor, my work in the world is aimed to restore spiritual & emotional wellbeing, which intrinsically involves participatory social impact.

We ALL have a place in the world that is being rebirthed. Uprooting the causes & conditions that created the isolation, violence, hate, delusion & greed all pattern back to being the change we need and wish to see.

We keep us safe is not just a clever protest slogan. It’s intentional, every day action.

If you find that the energy I share here contributes to your own reimagining of a life more worth living, a monthly subscription fosters your participation in the global survivor-led ecosystem.

Plus it’s hella good karma.

Your subscription contribution is also paid forward!

I donate 3.33% (representative of The Three Jewels) of my Substack subscriptions to NDN Collective, an Indigenous led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power.

So if you’re here reading this, hopefully I’ve made it a no-brainer to subscribe for $5 and invest in this collective network.

Learning, Practice & Praxis:

I teach classes & workshops, offer weekly virtual meditation practice sessions, and offer virtual 1:1 and group mentorship in the lineage of Engaged Dharma. If you’re local to St. Louis, I lead “STL QUEER SANGHA: You Can Sit With Us,” a monthly inclusive sangha for all LGBTQIA+ folks and co-conspirators cultivating a path of Spiritual Solidarity. Meditate & liberate.

Visit my website to learn more about my offerings, certification, praxis, mission, vision, values & accountability…and get FREE RESOURCES!

Deanna Sophia Danger Dharma & Meditation

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Systems Poetry. Spiritual Solidarity. Queer Dharma. Praxis. Let's get in between.


Spiritual Solidarity 🤝🏴❤️‍🔥 Certified Insight Meditation Teacher & Mentor | Queer Dharma Practitioner | Systems Change Facilitator🧘🏻☸️🕸️🌌 STL | RVA 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Practice & Praxis👇🏻