Eclipse Season Somatic Survival Guide: The Four Elements
Eclipse Season is upon us bbys and how you take care of yourself during these “energy blip” eclipses matters!
Eclipses are unstable by nature. Power wattage blips, outages, lightning bolts that momentarily leave your personal energy enraged or zapped.
How you take care of yourself during these “energy blips” matters! In both Buddhism AND astrology, we don’t celebrate the eclipses. We don’t watch them, we don’t ritualize, we don’t manifest, we don’t work our “magic,” we also don't label things as good/bad, right/wrong (psst the world isn't binary like that, and that kinda box actually keeps us from growing). We actually just rest & care for our vessels in very sweet, simple & "mundane" (aka: everyday) ways.
I’ve created this Eclipse Season Somatic Survival Guide, based on the four elements of nature, which are both central to Buddhism AND astrology. So whether you’re into one or the other or NEITHER and just want a practical, nature based way to care for your nervous system with Earth, Air, Water & Fire during the unstable & tricky energy of Eclipse Season… I got you.
STEP 1: Ground your body
Ground holds electricity. If the eclipse has sent a lightning bolt of emotional energy through your system, allow yourself time to ground into the Earth, and let the shockwave move through and fade out. Allow the stress chemicals to subside and flush through.
Put your feet and your body literally on the Earth.
Lay down.
Rub your feet in the grass.
Put your hands into the soil.
Roll around on the carpet and cover yourself with a weighted blanket.
Build a blanket fort and put on your favorite hoodie.
STEP 2: Connect with the air element
Air provides space. Space provides time. Time provides distance between the energetic & emotional reaction itself (the eclipse electric power blip) and the present moment - the moment when you are able to apply nurturance.
Do your best to reconnect with belly breathing. Belly breathing allows your parasympathetic nervous system to move stress chemicals through and flush out.
Audibly exhale. Make weird noise when you do.
Go for a walk in the wind.
Go for a drive with the windows down.
Sit in front of an open window and look at a houseplant.
Scream while walking in the wind, driving with the windows down or out your open window (who cares if your neighbor thinks you’re weird).
All the while practicing resting your awareness with the air itself, how you feel it in your body, how you experience it on your skin…and practice not engaging with the thoughts, situations or emotions that were initiated by the eclipse. Anytime your brain wants to bring you to the situation, say NOPE, I’m hangin’ out with the air right now, kthxbai.
STEP 3: Wash it out
Water flushes. Water returns osmotic cleansing to the body. Water is representative of the amniotic fluid that is responsible for your life. Return to it.
Drink a nice tall glass of H2O. Drink several more.
Take a bath. Add magnesium to further flush.
Swim in a body of water.
Take a walk in the rain.
Stand in the shower and cry.
Cry into your pillow and then wash your face.
STEP 4: Reconnect with illumination
Get into the sunlight. You're literally a complex houseplant. The vitamin D your body makes from sunlight regulates cellular function and supports your immunity. Getting some quality daytime activities in can boost your energy following the zap of the eclipse.
Take a walk around the block at sunrise or sunset.
Have some tea outside at a local coffee shop.
Visit an infrared sauna.
Visit the botanical gardens.
Move your body in the sunshine. Stretch. Dance.
Dance at home in some fabulous LED lights that you got from Target to boost your home space fabulosity.

Eclipses, by nature, activate parts of our Shadow that we can’t normally see with the Lights on.
This can be hella uncomfortable sometimes, for sure, but when we hone our ability to care for our vessels deeply and listen to ourselves with curiosity & wonder, the messages our body knows, yet our brain wants to logic away…we get to know more about what makes us feel already at home in ourselves.
Eclipse points are karmic key points, so get somatic baby, hold on for the ride, and turn, turn, turn.
Hang in out there! Love,
-Deanna Sophia Danger-
Love this! I'm a big advocate for earthing/grounding. Putting one's bare feet on the earth can be transformative for our nervous systems.